Travel, tourist & practical retreat information


Trains to local alpine train station (gare) – Les Marécottes (Salvan)
Note: by car, the Martigny to Hotel Balance stretch is a narrow winding alpine road that will be challenging for a non-local driver. We therefore highly recommend transport by train: It is a beautiful and very comfortable ride along lake Geneva or across the Swiss countryside and quite fun with the Mont-Blanc Express alpine train from Martigny to Les Marécottes.

Tickets are available via CFF / SBB – Swiss trains in 1st class or 2nd class: 2nd class ticket provide comfortable travel in Swiss trains; however, If you want more space and quiet, we recommend 1st class.

Geneva Airport - Martigny - Mont-Blanc Express to Les Marécotttes schedule (about 2,5 hours)

Zurich airport (ZH Flughaven) - Martigny - Mont-Blanc Express - Marécottes schedule (about 4 hours)

Local - Martigny - Mont-Blanc Express - Marécottes schedule (21 minutes) no 1st or 2nd class on this train – schedule été (Summer)

Local connection from Les Marécottes gare to Hotel Balance
Free pick up by Hotel Balance shuttle at Les Marécottes gare during an about 2 hours window before the start and at the end of the retreat.

· Walking from Les Marécottes – gare to Hotel Balance / Les Granges: for walking lovers, Les Marécottes gare is about a 35-minute walk to the Hotel (starts 10 minutes uphill, then flat).

Alpine Taxi service
From GVA or ZH airport or Martigny; advanced reservation & payment via CC


Temperature, clothing and more

Les Granges sur Salvan – altitude 934 m (3064’), average temperatures: high = 12 degrees C (54 F) / low = 2 degrees C (36 F) in October; although October is one of the most beautiful and sunniest month to visit this alpine region, we may have some rain and days will be shorter. On the other hand, due to our changing climate temperatures might be slightly warmer.

To bring:
Comfortable walking shoes as we might walk easy trails or dirt roads thru the forest and to a waterfall for some of our Qigong practices.
Alpine Fall gear like sunglasses, hat and gloves. Layering of clothes such as a sweater, jacket and warm underclothing for possible drops in temperature, plus some rain protection.

Tourism information

Extending your stay at Hotel Balance
If you wish to further explore the region before or after the retreat, you may be able to extend your stay at Hotel Balance: contact the Hotel directly to book your extended stay (regular hotel rates apply).

More travel tips about the area

Mont Blanc Express train, Martigny to Vallorcines, France

Swiss and Europe travel may offer discount rates on train travel