A Dragon in the Alps - 2024 retreat

Come fly with the dragon in the Alps of Switzerland this Fall. We invite you to participate in a 4-day retreat of self-healing, self-nurturing and self-strengthening, sharing our common humanity with a small group of fellow travellers along the Way.

video by Katy Anderson: Alpine Dragon Retreat with Dr Mao, Les Granges, CH - Oct 24-27, 2024

An immersion in Taoist self healing practice

Led by Dr Mao Shing Ni, anti-aging specialist, bestselling author, master coach,
and lineage caretaker of the 75 generation Integral Way tradition

This retreat will be led in English.

Register below now

This retreat is appropriate for both beginner and experienced practitioner.

Early Bird Discount until september 6


Special topics in self-cultivation:

  • Understanding the I Ching birth chart, Stem & Branch system

  • Refining our life direction using Yin/Yang dialogue, etc.

  • Identifying and dissolving blockages in our life path

  • How to use selective meditation & Qi practice to balance one’s mood, body function and personal energy daily, seasonally and as needed

  • Shifting our consciousness to deepen our experience of life

The retreat - Heal yourself / heal the world

We will work on strengthening our root, building our power and refining our life purpose. Dr Mao will share diet & lifestyle guidelines to fortify our physical foundation, meditation to clear our minds and spiritual practice to dissolve all separation and open our connection to the universal divine. All to serve the health, happiness and prosperity in our lives and in turn support our service to the world.

Furthermore, he will offer guidance on using tools of self-adjustment responsive to our everyday ebbs and flows to enable a smooth ride on the inevitable waves of change.

At birth, nature provides each of us a special garden of inheritance (explained by our I Ching birth chart). How our garden grows is mostly up to us – do we select the right nutrients, pay attention to what our garden needs, protect from the extremes of weather? This means cultivating mind & body, nurturing inner capabilities, facilitating spiritual development with new growth insight, freedom and light.

What we will learn:
Nourished by this beautiful setting and inspired by Dr Mao, we will explore time-tested meditative exercises reaching to the core of life, receive gentle coaching in our contemplative experiences and exchange in the warmth of our retreat group.

Using Qigong healing and self-transformative practices, we will strengthen our balancing power, rejuvenate our vitality, and awaken our universal compass leading toward a healthy, harmonious life.

Pre-retreat I Ching Birth Chart readings and health consultations and treatments with Dr Mao

Interested receiving your I Ching Birth Chart reading prior to the retreat via an online consultation? You will need to submit your birth information (date and time of birth (exact hour) as well as location) plus your question(s) by August 15, 2024. Information and registration

In collaboration with Tao of Wellness Clinic and Chi Rivers / Peter F Cunneen, Dr Mao will offer a few spots for heath consultations & treatments during the retreat and on Thursday afternoon October 24. Information and registration


Dr Mao Shing Ni


Benefits of the retreat
A companion skill for healers and anyone engaged in stressful lives, Taoist Integral Way practice releases the human being from ego-centered isolation to unite with the environment and expanding universe and cultivate a harmonious co-evolution with all of creation. The practices are known to revitalize the body, mind and spirit and help you on the road back to complete health physically, emotionally and spiritually.

You will profit from Dr Mao’s clear and updated transmission of these ancient treasures as well as his kind supportiveness of the personal learning path of each participant.

If you are a healthcare provider, these self-regulating practices are an effective tool to replenish your personal vitality and avoid compassion fatigue, burn out, or depression.

About Dr Mao Shing Ni
Co-founder of Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tao of Wellness, Dr Mao Shing Ni is a 38th generation practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, leading authority on the Taoist Arts and Taoist anti-aging medicine, and author of many books and DVDs on integrative health. Dr Ni is regularly featured on American television, newspapers, and blogs and teaches internationally meditation, Tai Chi and Qigong, Feng Shui, I Ching, Taoist Psychology, Chinese medicine and more. Beside his healing work, Dr Mao, like his father Hua-Ching Ni, is an acknowledged master of all aspects of Taoist arts and practice and the current caretaker of the Integral Way tradition. For more on Dr Mao and the Ni family tradition, see the College of Tao.

About the Integral Way
Going back thousands of years, the Integral Way transmits one of humanity’s oldest unbroken traditions of personal cultivation and spiritual development to the modern world. Its elucidation provides practical solutions for todays’ life and health challenges.  For more on the Integral Way, go to the College of Tao.


Q & A about the retreat

Q: I worry the program may be too much for me, can you clarify it?
Don’t feel intimidated: our focus will be gentle, personable and warm, following a natural variation of quiet activities. Everything will be done with ease, with no practice done for too long. Rather than quantity, we focus on depth and meaning and flexibly adapt to personal needs. In one day, we may spend time taking in the sun’s healing energy, listening to a lecture, sharing a cup of tea, following simple Qigong movement or engaging in a self-reflection assignment, taking a walk in the woods or resting in one’s room, enjoying a guided meditation, socialising together, and contemplating the stars before retiring for the night.

Q: I have no experience with meditation or Qigong, is this program too advanced for me? 
No, the program is an excellent introduction to chi movement and meditative practices and will respond to the individual needs of each participant. Just bring an open mind, be ready to explore something a little different in your life and you will be certain to reap many fruitful experiences from the retreat.

Q: I have been meditating or practicing Qigong or Tai Chi for years, will this program respond to my needs?
Yes, this retreat can certainly help deepen your personal practice. These four days together will help you nurture a profound link between mother nature and your advancing meditation and Chi cultivation practice, whether you wish to look for new input or explore a new approach, resolve a particular blockage, receive support to clarify your vision, strengthen your purpose or open the way to reap greater rewards from your diligent efforts. Bring your personal / practice questions for Dr Mao

Q: How can I use this retreat - I am skilled in a branch of the Taoist Arts, as a Feng Shui or TCM practitioner, or a Qigong or Tai Chi teacher?
Coming to the retreat with a sincere desire to learn, your positive energy will be nurtured and your growth assured through the application of Taoist natural science. Cross pollination in Chinese medicine, Feng Shui, Taoist meditation or Qi movement arts can be very fruitful; by discovering other avenues of a similar integral approach, we end up with a more direct knowledge and an empowerment of our skills.


Schedule - October 24-27, 2024
Thursday, October 24: 5-6:00 pm - registration; 7:45-9:15 pm 
Fri-Sat, Oct 25-26: 7-8 am, 9:30-12:30 pm, 3-5:30 pm, 7:45-9:15 pm 
Sunday, October 27: 7-8 am, 9:30-12:30 pm, lunch & departing

About Hôtel Balance
CH-1922 Les Granges
See Hôtel Balance

The food is vegetarian and delicious. Please mention when booking if you would prefer the Vegan or Gluten-free options.

Travel & practical information
With limited local parking and access only via a steep mountain road, access by train is highly recommended for non-local drivers. From Martigny, take the Mont-Blanc Express alpine train to Salvan / Les Marécottes where Hôtel Balance staff will pick you up. By car, it is 1 hr 40 minutes from Bern & 2 hrs from Geneva International airport. Please consult our travel, tourist and practical retreat info sheet below.
Travel, tourism and practical retreat information

Mont-Blanc Express, Martigny to Chamonix / Vallorcines, MontBlanc


From previous students:

“An amazing opportunity to learn from a teacher with priceless experience, teaching ability and generosity.” MJ
“Studying with Dr. Mao has been life changing. I feel that I am home.” PB
“Integrates the earthy and practical with the subtle and sublime. . . . highly recommended” PS
“It was what I hoped for: accommodating, enveloping, inclusive, demanding & supportive. Dr Mao is a great guy and super teacher.” WW

”As the days were passing by, I felt the effortlessness of life and the authentic me coming out more. The retreat has been transformative, to say the least.” YD
“No study stress, you just “listen” personally with the chi - Learning by living and doing.” UB
“Even more than I expected, a quite complete and encompassing experience of health - in global.” AK
”It was great!”

Special note for all participants:
In order to maximize your experience, we recommend you diminish or forgo smoking, alcohol or coffee intake during the retreat. If applicable, each participant should also discuss with their healthcare provider about the appropriateness of this retreat given their mental or physical health situation. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

CEU - ASCA, RME: 24 hrs

All-inclusive Retreat, meals & lodging fee in one of the 5 categories of lodging:
- superior single room with private bath, per person: CHF 1732.- / CHF 1632.- early bird / COT disc.
- single room with shared bath (w 2-3 guests), per person: CHF 1593.- / CHF 1493.- early bird / COT disc.

- double room with private bath, per person: CHF 1583.- / CHF 1483.- early bird / COT disc.
- double room with shared bath (w 2-3 guests), per person: CHF 1495.- / CHF 1395.- early bird / COT disc.

- group room (3-4 beds) with bath, per person: CHF 1495.- / CHF 1395.- early bird / COT disc.



Early Bird discounts - until September 6, 2024
Full payments received no later than September 6, 2024 are entitled to our Early Bird / COT discount (register early as space and room choices are limited).

Cancellation / Refund
Upon receipt of a written request, we will reimburse 50% of your payment minus a CHF 80.- registration fee until October 11, 2024. No reimbursement will be done thereafter but your reservation is transferable to another person.

Payment options
Wire transfer, credit card or Paypal